Mattresses are very expensive and require regular cleaning services. To maintain these mattresses for a longer period you must get them cleaned regularly. Mattress cleaning is very important in summer. Mattresses bear a lot of problems in summer and need regular cleaning. There are many ways to clean a mattress using home remedies. Generally, you must clean your mattresses every 6 months. Pillows and blankets must be cleaned every 2 to 3 months and pillow covers must be cleaned every week.

You will need regular vacuuming and cleaning to get the best results for your mattress. Experts suggest you need more attention to cleaning your mattress in the summer season. Read on to know how often should we clean a mattress in summer.
How To Clean Your Mattress In Summer?
There are various ways to clean your mattress in summer. You must not only clean the mattress but also take care of the cushions and bed sheets too. You can use home remedies such as vinegar and baking soda to remove the stains and smell from the mattress.
Vinegar mixed with some amount of water must be poured on the stains and later this solution should be removed using a wet cloth. You must use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of the excess liquid from the mattress.
In the case of baking soda, you must spread the baking soda on the stains and all over the mattress as well and let it settle and absorb all the stains from the mattress. Later use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of the baking soda from the surface once it absorbs all the stains as well as bad odour from the mattress.
How Often Should We Clean A Mattress In Summer?
As per a study mattress soaks up to 25 gallons of sweat every year so to get rid of this you must clean your mattress every 2 weeks. Bed sheets are the most affected part along with the mattress as both absorb huge amounts of sweat. There are many other problems due to which you must clean your mattress every 2 weeks. You can either take expert help or do it yourself.
The most common problem a mattress can face is an accumulation of bacteria and allergens in the summer. Another common problem in summer is the formation of moulds on the mattress. These moulds are formed due to moisture and vapours. To get rid of these moulds you must clean your mattress regularly. You can clean the bed sheets every week as they absorb a huge amount of sweat in the summer. And you can clean the cushions once every three months to maintain them. You can dry your mattress weekly in the sunlight to kill germs and odours.
Why Is It Important To Clean Your Mattress In Summer?
No matter what the season is, you must clean your mattress regularly. In the summer season, you should take extra care because many problems occur in the summer season such as an accumulation of dust particles, humid air causing moulds, growth of bacteria and bed bugs. Sweat is also one of the common reasons why you must clean the mattress as it might get into the fabric and allow the growth of many bacteria and disease-causing germs. These are some of the reasons why you must often clean a mattress in summer.
Things To Take Care Of While Cleaning A Mattress
- Read the label carefully so that you can use the solution accordingly. This will help in keeping the mattress safe and clean it easily.
- Do not use too much hot water. Hot water can damage the fabric sometimes. So make sure the water is neither too hot nor too cold.
- Use suitable chemicals. Various chemicals are good for cleaning the mattress and some chemicals can also damage the fabric so check the label and take expert advice before cleaning the mattress.
- Do not rub any solution on the stains you can slowly dab on them to remove them.
Book Professional Cleaning Services- Keep Mattresses Healthy
One must never neglect professional mattress cleaning services. Professional cleaners will help in getting rid of all kinds of stains and spots on the mattress. They also help in maintaining the quality of the mattress There are many benefits of hiring a professional mattress cleaning company. You must seek professional help once in a while to keep your mattress clean, especially in summer. You can get the best mattress cleaning services at reasonable prices. Professional cleaners will also guide you about why and how often should we clean a mattress in summer.
At Micks Mattress Cleaning Adelaide, we have a very well-behaved staff with a lot of experience in mattress cleaning. We offer all kinds of mattress cleaning services. Also, the rates of mattress cleaning and other cleaning services available with us are very reasonable when compared to other cleaning companies. You can hire us by giving us a call on 08 7228 0253. Go ahead and get your mattress cleaned.